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North Rossa is an Australian based construction material supply company currently entering the international market. We have an experienced team of directors and managers with proven capabilities of delivering what we say, when we say. Our goals are to maintain long-term relationships with our customers, by providing quality products and streamlined supply in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Luke Reinehr
Managing Director

Luke's core legal experience compliments mining & resources, project development and information technology skills Working across all levels of management, Luke has partnership, director, and CEO experience and is Chairman of Kalamazoo Resources Limited

Matt Reinehr
Non Executive Director

Matt is the founder and Managing Director of nlc Pty Ltd a privately owned fleet management company recently acquired by SG Fleet
nlc funds and manages more than 18,000 motor vehicles with a client list that includes Rio Tinto, Telstra, Australia Post and Visy

Andrew Broad
BA (Hons) Economics & Statistics.
Chief Financial Officer

GM Finance & Commercial – Rio Tinto, Iron Ore Sales, Marketing & Marine, 2015 – 2017
GM Finance – Rio Tinto Marine, 2011 – 2015
Commercial Manager – Rio Tinto Marine, 2006 – 2011
Senior Accountant – Rio Tinto Marine, 2004 – 2006

Brian Richardson
MAusIMM. B.Sc. (Hons) Geology
Exploration Director

Previously Executive Technical Director at Thundelarra 12yrs, Kalamazoo Resources for 4yrs
Instrumental in the discovery of the Southern Star gold mine, Copernicus nickel mine and Thunderball uranium resource. Brian has extensive experience in the Pilbara and Northern Australia

Dion Starcevich
B. Eng. (Hons) Mechanical Dip of Advanced Concrete Technology
Project Manager

Engineering Manager – WA & NT – Holcim Australia. Management of internal construction projects and mobile and fixed plant for remote supply projects. Technical Manager – WA & N.T. – Readymix – Design of products, quality management and technical support.


North Rossa has identified a significant demand for reclamation and construction materials in S.E. Asia, driven by major land reclamation and infrastructure projects. We have identified significant uncertainty and environmental issues associated with existing supply options within the region. North Rossa proposes to offer an environmentally sustainable, long term supply option.


Australia has a mature mining industry with robust environmental regulations that ensure mining operations are planned, operated and closed in an regulated and sustainable manner. North Rossa is a company committed to environmental sustainability and safety.


Australia is a significant exporter of raw materials through out the world and has developed a strong reputation for reliable supply operating within our stable political environment and economy.


North Rossa's sand resources are within economical transportation distance to SE Asia and located approximately 2,750km from Singapore.



North Rossa's resources are located in the Pilbara region of North Western Australia. In 2014/15, the region exported 614 million tonnes of raw material with the majority heading to Asia.


North Rossa is progressing all approvals, construction and contracts to achieve supply capabilities. We are currently exploring market conditions in the view to create relationships and reach long term supply agreements.


North Rossa's current resource is approximately 95 million tonnes contained within our Onslow resource and a further substantial resource in excess of 1 billion tonnes identified within 100kms.


North Rossa is progressing with a staged approach to our project by:


Stage 1 – Annual supply capacity of 6 million tonnes from our Onslow Resource.
Stage 2 – An increase in annual supply capacity up to 12 million tonnes and optimised material transport.
Stage 3 – Development of additional resources with an annual supply capacity of 12 million tonnes. Supply capacity could be expanded under suitable market conditions.


The nature of our resource allows numerous mining faces to be operated simultaneously to provide large supply capacity. During stage 1, we will limit supply capacity to 6 million tonnes per annum The proposed Stage 2 uses an innovative land transportation method (overland conveying) which will eliminate road traffic and enable increased capacity. Stage 2 is subject to feasibility and approvals.


Head Office - Melbourne
Unit 3 / 328 Reserve Road
3192 Victoria
Contact: Luke Reinehr
0413 866 611
Perth Office
Contact: Dion Starcevich
0487 287 058